In the Sea Cave

These waves have seen all that has been.
These waves will see all that will be.
The salt of the sea washes away the salt
Of the tears shed for my soul betrayed.

Rocks worn smooth by the lessons of time
Teach that I must discover the source within
Rather than project it on the lovely creatures
Who cast their spells on my unwitting soul.

Release my clinging bond to the symbol
Of God manifesting in feminine flesh.
I must bond with the symbol divine
That lies shrouded in my soul's depth.

Consign my enchantment to the waves.
Begone her and her, make way for Kuan Yin.
Your soul spell stands guard against
My opening to the treasure that lies within.

Kuan Yin calls upon spirit to rebuild my soul
To walk again among the heavenly creatures
As one soul among many souls connecting
With soul mates here, there and everywhere.

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