Each poem is identified by a Subject and Theme that came as I reflected on and reread them from time to time. Even though most poems fall into more than one category, each has one subject that sets the tone for the intuitive discovery. In addition, a poem's theme describes a specific context for the subject. On the poetry index page, the subject and theme are shown along with the highlighted phrases that sprang from the lines to capture my attention.
- 1. Soul
- The soul category stands for the deepest part of my psyche that connects with the larger realm of being. This realm has many names: Universal Mind, Divine Essence, God, etc. I use "intuition in the large" to describe insights realized when I reach beyond into the larger realm.
- 2. Self:
- The many smaller selves that make up my personality are represented by the self category. Some of my poetic insights encourage me to recognize and tame these often unruly selves. As they are integrated, I have found The Intuitive Self assumes a more important role in my personality.
- 3. Goddess:
- This is my feminine part that Carl Jung called the Anima. Through poetry, I have discovered how often this part of me is projected onto particular women and onto different goddess images. The goddess poems encourage me to own and integrate these parts of my shadow.
- 4. Process:
- While the first three subjects name "parts" of me, process represents my behavior in dealing with the inner and outer worlds. These poems help me discover the Meditator in the World attitude. This comes through as insight about wei wu wei, the Taoist view of "doing-not doing."
- 5. Sexuality:
- Our culture is dominated by the overt and covert focus on the sexual dimension of experience. These poems point to the profoundly divine quality of sexual energy. They suggest moving away from the horrendous distortions of this primal energy to more creative expressions.
- 6. Family/Friend:
- The poems in this category were evoked by experiences with a member of my family or someone who has been more than a causal relationship. This includes women I've dated but not those who have been a primary relationship.
- 7. Companion:
- Partners in a primary relationship have been a potent force in my growth. Some of my more dramatic poems were written in response to joyful as well as painful experiences in a primary relationship.
- 8. Relationship:
- Even though the other categories imply relationship, this category represents poems where an aspect of relationship stands out over the idea, thing or person involved in the experience. These poems encompass connection with the larger community as well as specific individuals.