About the Author · Bill Taggart · |
Reflecting on my career, I discovered that the seeds of my intuitive quest were planted long ago. Coming from a career in computers and operations research to my present focus on intuition, I have swung back and forth on the rational to intuitive spectrum. Early on, I was not aware that my struggle to find the "missing piece" in the OR models I created would lead me to uncover my long buried Intuitive Self. I have tried to recover a young child's spontaneous curiosity about the world while honoring the personal knowledge I have gleaned from life's experience. The sailboats in my life have been a metaphor for my journey. I owned two and often fantasized about a third. First was an ODay day sailor named "Searching." Next came a Cape Dory 25 called "Searching Too." If another comes into my life, it will be named "Still Searching." Sailing gave me a concrete feel for the intuitive way of being in the world. Aligning myself with the wind, current and personality of the boat helped me to appreciate the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching. I was delighted to learn that Bucky Fuller called his sailboat "Intuition." What an appropriate name! Prior to retirement, I was a professor of management at Florida International University. During my career, I also served as a private consultant offering development programs and personal guidance to help people discover and nurture their Intuitive Selves. I worked for or consulted with organizations such as McDonnell Douglas, Standard Oil (Indiana) and Ryder Systems. In addition I led workshops for the Management Development Center and the Global Manager Program at FIU. I also authored a textbook on the use of computers in organizations, published articles on the personal and professional use of intuition, and published a Personal Style Inventory that is used world wide as a tool for self discovery. My research led to the development and implementation of "intuition" courses at all levels of university study that won national awards for innovative business education. |