Betrayal of Great White Hunter |
This story was born out of the pain of a failed relationship. By putting the experience in metaphorical terms, I penetrated beyond the anguish to a Larger Story. With this approach, The Intuitive Self spoke through the words of the storyteller. Added emphasis appears in red: There once was a Great White Hunter who was wounded as a young man by Harry, the god of homosexuality. In later years he was enticed by the siren call of the Goddess of the Deep Woods. She seduced him with the alluring charms of her earthy sexuality. Given his great need for healing, he became her partner. When Hunter saw Goddess's soul scintillating on the surface of her being, he became deeply committed to their process. But beneath this surface, the sword of betrayal was waiting to pierce our hero's heart. This siren had some tricks up her sleeve, other issues to bring to the table, other learnings for our hero to encounter. When he made a soul commitment, Hunter needed to learn that his trust may be betrayed, that his commitment may be breached. Although fully committed, he could not count on commitment in return since Goddess beings are notoriously untrustworthy. This partner that destiny thrust upon him might not be able or willing to honor the commitment. In the siren's embrace, the Hunter came to know the intimacies of passionate physical love and the reality of sex unbonded to the heart. He came to understand how this may sin against the soul. Knowing the deeper pain of betrayal, he was less likely to visit his betrayals on others - to "fuck around" with someone's else soul. Commitment and heart bonded sexuality would not abide the abuse of another's soul. From time to time during the days and nights of their grand adventure, our hero would realize, though vaguely, the deeper rifts and splits within their union. He knew the Goddess of the Deep Woods was destined to do him in on the point of her sword by shutting him out of her life. Still he chose commitment and connection - to be with the process no matter what. In making this choice, he would have to suffer the ultimate betrayal - the denial of his soul by one he loved so dearly. The siren had no interest in the Hunter as a person. She was oblivious to his suffering - she had God's work to do. She was committed to delivering betrayals, both small and large, to our hero. She was an agent of the dammed, she was a messenger of the gods. This larger purpose was seething in the recesses of their relationship. There came a time when the Goddess had other fish to fry, other souls to crucify. She abruptly cutoff all communication with our hero. He desperately needed dialogue to work this through, but she had become a mute distant withdrawn soul. Hunter went through a grave period of anger, pain, sadness, gnawing at the heart, wrenching of the soul and finally emptiness. The fire in his belly was nearly quenched by the cold water she threw on their friendship. Slowly but surely a larger message emerged from the depth of Hunter's searching. He knew how to plumb the wisdom of his soul for answers to the mysteries of life. He came to see one of his deepest values was commitment to the process. Come hell or high water, a loved one could count on him "being there." He affirmed to himself that no matter the risk, he would once again fully commit even in the face of ultimate betrayal. Our hero was learning to let go of final results and desired outcomes, and engage fully in the ongoing process. In this baptism by fire, Hunter was learning A) to pay attention, B) to breathe, and C) to concentrate. These ABCs of personal power would stand him in good stead in future challenges especially primary relationships. Our hero began to rise above the humiliation of denial, the failure of missed opportunity, the ignominy of falling short at the brink to honor the ideal of the Hieros Gamos - the scared inner marriage. Hunter was better prepared to accept the consequences of the divine relationship. His momentous commitments made our hero vulnerable to the ultimate and most painful betrayal - the denial of soul. Recovering from this adventure, he seemed ready more than ever to risk an impassioned relationship, to know the intimate joys and utter hell of sharing his heart and soul in communion with another spirit. He opened to the possibility of an outer marriage to complement the inner union. Even though this may not be his destiny, he continues to explore the edges of reality. Our hero has found that soulmaking can be excruciatingly painful. However without pain there can be no redemption and transformation, no coming into a larger sense of being. The sting of the Goddess is a horrible delight - its power to catalyze and engender change is without peer - it has no rival. Oh what an awesome beauty this siren's call - the paradox of soul and sword is a thing to behold. Who knows what adventures our hero will encounter next on the road from here to there? As creative potential unmanifest - the Goddess seeded and released the fertile force lying dormant within. Great White Hunter dearly loves the "blessed betrayal" this Goddess of the Deep Woods bestowed on him! |