These qualities described how I went about rediscovering The Intuitive Self. They characterized my process when I was most in tune with the flow of the Tao. In those moments, I was most like who I really was:
Relying on experience as the source of and the crucible for tempering discoveries in my life.
Bridging the gap between the conceptual academic ivory tower and the practical business world.
Recovering intuition from the clutches of my rational mind to allow expression free of logical second guessing.
Balancing the rational and intuitive with one foot firmly planted in each domain without favoring either.
Integrating the upper and lower chakras rather than discounting physical in favor of spiritual realms.
Finding and nurturing The Intuitive Self as a life metaphor for discovering who I really am.
Emphasizing intimate awareness of personal process as the foundation for my internal and external work.
Using deep spiritual soul recovery work as the rationale for all inner and outer activity.
Following basic practices to evoke a quiet relaxed mind focused in the present for intuitive awareness.
Attending to common everyday garden variety experiences as a basis for intuitive recovery.
Reflecting on daily happenings to discover inherent intuitive experiences rather than evoking them.
Allowing intuitive presence to consciously follow from learning about natural intuitive awareness.
Discovering and expressing my soul's passion to affirm my unique place and role in family and community.
Returning soul to the central position in my life as the reality of who and what I really am.