Even though grading is a part of the University experience, try not to let that stand in the way of learning about The Intuitive Self. Since grades are judgmental, they will hamper your learning about intuition. Beyond that here are my thoughts about grades and their relationship to Intuition in Management:

  • First I'm convinced that the grade you receive in this course will be irrelevant to anything meaningful in your life ten years from now. That's probably true five years from now unless you plan to pursue another degree.

  • Second I feel that the extent to which you are concerned about your grade in this course, to that extent you will be limited in reconnecting with The Intuitive Self. A concern for grades dampens the self discovery process.

  • Third I'm also convinced that what you learn about and how you reconnect with The Intuitive Self can make an extraordinary difference in your career and life ten years from now.

  • Finally I realize that I will give you a grade at the end of the term. Please try not to let that stand in the way of learning about The Intuitive Self!