These are the practices that are introduced week by week in the Intermediate and Advanced Programs. Participants experiment with these activities and describe the results in their weekly Activity Journal.



Week 1: Program Orientation

  • Basic Practice: Concentrate the Attention on the Breath; the ABCs of The Intuitive Self.



Week 2: Assessing Rational and Intuitive Styles

  • PSI Strategy: Explore how we relate to people and things in terms of the six Modes.


Week 3: Journaling Intuitive Experiences

  • 2:1 Breathing: Breathe with the exhalation twice the duration of the inhalation.

  • Resting Relaxation: Lie on a firm, carpeted surface in the "shivasana" relaxation posture.

  • Plant-Based Diet: Experiment with diet to enhance sensitivity to intuitive experiences.


Week 4: Self Observation

  • Self Observation: Charles Tart explains the self observation process described in his book Waking Up.



Week 5: Intuition in the Small

  • Stress Mirror: Use the thermometer to monitor stress response in a variety of situations.

  • Breathing Patterns: Experiment with slow, deep, continuous and smooth breath flow.

  • Abdominal Breathing: Use the breathing movement of the abdomen to create a sense of relaxation.

  • Diaphragm Breathing: Use the breathing movement of the diaphragm to create a sense of attention.

  • Toning the Diaphragm: Use a flexible ten-pound weight to exercise the diaphragmatic muscle.


Week 6: Business Intuition

  • Intuition in Business: Weston Agor discusses ways organizations can accommodate intuitive styles.


Week 7: International Survey of Intuition

  • Sitting Relaxation: Sit in a comfortable chair with full back support in a balanced upright posture.

  • Observing the Mind: Pay attention to the changing picture show constantly playing in the mind.

  • Observing the Gaze: Pay attention to a candle flame with an unblinking, non-irritating, steady gaze.

  • Meditation: Use one of the many forms of meditation to encourage an attentive mind.

  • Eyestrain Buster: Relieve eye fatigue resulting from reading or using the computer too much.

  • Sleep Practice: Use this breathing practice to help go to sleep during a restless night.

  • Systematic Relaxation: Scan the muscle groups of the body letting the tension flow from them.

  • 61 Points: Move beyond systematic relaxation to an even deeper level of relaxation.



Week 8: Varieties of Intuitive Experience

  • Awakening Intuition: Frances Vaughan describes intuition as a direct knowing without mediation by human logic.


Week 9: Intuition in the Large

  • The Room: Go to the Question room and then the Intuition room for problem insight.

  • I Ching Practice: Complete an I Ching problem solving using any type of reading material.


Week 10: States of Consciousness

  • Mind over Machine: Hubert Dreyfus explains why computers will never be able to replicate intuitive thought.



Week 11: Conditions of Flow

  • PDP Action Plan: Enhance the use of moderate or reduce the use of strong intuitive behaviors.


Week 12: Morphogenetic Fields

  • Centering Practice: Use guided visual imagery to center the mind in the present moment.

  • Personal Collage: Explore the meaning of the Collage themes as they occur in everyday life.


Week 13: The Quantum Mind

  • Move with Present: Dan Robey and Bill Taggart apply the intuitive ideas of the Tao Te Ching to management.



Week 14: The Integrating Essay

  • Preserve the Soul: David Whyte believes that poetry can awaken our vision for breakthrough intuitive insights.

Audio/Visual Material

These audio/visual materials are shown and discussed in the group meetings for five of the fourteen weeks in the Intermediate and Advanced Program offerings. They are used to stimulate group discussion about the dimensions of intuitive experience.

Week 4: Tart, Charles T. Self Observation, Oakland, California: Thinking Allowed Productions, 1988.

Countless factors can mitigate against self observation in Western society. Charles Tart, Ph.D., noted psychologist and author of Waking Up, suggests we begin by learning to focus on seemingly trivial details such as bodily sensations. Through repeated and diligent practice, he says, the process of self observation leads us to a larger view of ourselves and our potential.

Week 6: Agor, Weston H., Intuition in Business, Oakland, California: Thinking Allowed Productions, 1992.

Intuition is a brain skill that organizations must learn to tap in order to remain competitive. Professor Agor discusses ways in which organizations can learn to accommodate intuitive styles. He suggests that there are both introvert intuitives and extrovert intuitives. He provides examples of how intuition can be used in different business settings. Weston Agor, Ph.D., is a professor of public administration at the University of Texas, El Paso. He is founder of the Global Intuition Network and author of Intuitive Management, The Logic of Intuitive Decision Making and an anthology titled Intuition in Organizations.

Week 8: Vaughan, Frances E., Awakening Intuition, Oakland, California: Thinking Allowed Productions, 1988.

We can train our own intuitive faculty by l earning to quiet the mind and listen to internal signals. Frances Vaughan, Ph.D., president of the Association. for Humanistic Psychology and author of The Inward Arc and Awakening Intuition, says intuition involves a direct knowing without mediation by human senses or logic. She points to several types of intuition--spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical.

Week 10: Dreyfus, Hubert L. Mind Over Machine, Oakland, California: Thinking Allowed Productions, 1988.

Human intuition and perception are basic and essential phenomena of consciousness. As such, they will never be replicated by computers. This is the challenging notion of Hubert Dreyfus, Ph.D., archcritic of the artificial intelligence establishment. Dr. Dreyfus, a professor of philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley , is author of What Computers Can't Do and co-author of Mind Over Machine.

Week 14 : Wyhte, David, Preservation of the Soul, Oakland, California: Thinking Allowed Productions, 1995.

Poetry allows us to acknowledge the fullness of our being in ways that are often denied in daily life. This denial has often proved both injurious to the soul and bad for business. Poetry unites us with the soul of the world. David White is author of sever al books of poetry and a book of prose and poetry, The Heart Aroused. Whyte maintains that poetry provides a treasure of wisdom that gives guidance in times of crisis. The insights of poetry can facilitate an awakening of vision and a breakthrough from the paralysis caused by confusion, doubt and humdrum routine.