As shown in the table below, the largest single source of the over 1000 entries is Psychology at 43%. Two other large LCC disciplines are Social Science with 18% including Management related references and Science at 13%. The 18% overstates the relative importance of intuition in the Management discipline. This occurs since many of the management citations are relevant for what they do not say about intuition or for their disparaging attitude.

This highlights the neglect of intuition in management study. With the exception of a few researchers such as Agor, Leavitt, Mintzberg, and Taggart, this oversight continues. The neglect is illustrated by the six most popular texts used for the introductory management course in business schools (Certo, DuBrin, Hellriegel and Slocum, Higgins, Holt, and Mondy). Only one of the six has anything more than the briefest, if any, mention of intuition in management practice.

Percent of Citations

This table illustrates the percentage of citations on Intuition from various disciplines using the Library of Congress scheme.

Library of Congress Classification Percent
   Mind and Intuition 7
Philosophy Total % 7
   General Background 4
   Articles on Intuition 4
   Books and Tapes on Intuition 7
   Consciousness 7
   Creativity 3
   Problem Solving 3
   Self Development 7
   Parapsychology 5
   Occult Sciences 3
Psychology Total % 43
   Eastern and Western Practices 6
Religion Total % 6
Social Science
   Decision Making 5
   Management Practices 8
   Business Administration 3
   Sociology 2
Social Sciences Total % 18
   Theory and Practice 2
Education Total % 2
Music and Fine Arts
   Creative Process in the Arts 1
Music and Fine Arts Total % 1
   Asian and English Literature 2
Literature Total % 2
   New Paradigms in Science 6
   Mathematics and Physics 4
   Biology, Physiology 3
Science Total % 13
   Health Care and Psychiatry 4
Medicine Total % 4
   Ethics, History, Sports, Politics, Law, Technology 4
Other Total % 4