Emery, Marcia. Intuition Workbook: An Expert's Guide to Unlocking the Wisdom of Your Subconscious Mind. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1994: 001-300, 300 pages (BF 311). |
Unveiling the intuitive mind (Master key to success, Effective decision making) Formula for success (Centering, Receptivity, Eliciting imagery, Interpreting images, Achieving mental clarity), Using your intuitive took box (Practice makes perfect, Deciphering dreams, Accessing through meditation), Essential business tool (Succeed in the workplace, Improve on the job relationships, Market, sell, advertise, Right career choices), Problem solving for personal success (Vibrant health, Family and friends, Ending is the beginning). |
___. Intuition: The Master Key to Success. Chapter 1 in: Ibid.: 003-019, 17 pages. |
Being of two minds has its advantages, Open your mind to new ideas, What is intuition? Five levels of intuitive experience (Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Environmental), Discovering your intuitive quotient (Intuitive quotient checklist), Your subconscious: a reservoir of intuitive wisdom, Ten power keys for developing your intuition. |
___. Unlocking Your Intuitive Mind for Effective Decision Making. Chapter 2 in: Ibid.: 021-032, 12 pages. |
Intuition and logic: the decision making team, Intuitive decision making, Six familiar I's of problem solving (In the silence, Introspection, Imagination, Illumination, Incubation, Implementation), Discovering the dynamics of intuitive problem solving, For every problem there is an intuitive solution, The intuitive problem solving formulas (IPS). |
___. Centering: How to Quiet the Logical Mind and awaken the Intuitive Mind. Chapter 3 in: Ibid.: 035-048, 14 pages. |
A quiet mind is an intuitive mind (Can you be still? Lowering your brain waves will help you become still, Alpha awareness), Four centering tools to strengthen your intuition (Affirmations - write your own, Verbal focusing - your own phrase, Visual focusing - your visual focus, Music - your musical focus). |
___. Receptivity: Getting the Pictures Sent by the Intuitive Mind. Chapter 4 in: Ibid.: 049-066, 18 pages. |
Breathing and relaxation: receptivity tools to strengthen your intuition, Breathing: the vital key to your intuitive mind (Four breathing techniques to enhance receptivity), Relaxation: the key to releasing your creative potential (Six relaxation techniques to enhance receptivity), Use your imagination. |
___. Eliciting Imagery Sent by the Intuitive Mind. Chapter 5 in: Ibid.: 067-100, 34 pages. |
How does your intuitive mind speak to you? How to "see" the imagery (Discovering your dominant sense), How to actively access your intuitive images (Fantasize or daydream), The Alpha and Omega techniques, Practice sharpening your imagery, Assembling the first four intuitive problem solving steps. |
___. Interpreting the Images from the Intuitive Mind. Chapter 6 in: Ibid.: 101-119, 19 pages. |
How to get a "hot flash" (Cracking the golden egg), Mastering four interpretation techniques (Amplification, Word association, Clustering, Mind mapping), Deciphering your color images, Don't let your emotions mislead you (How to interpret intuitive signals correctly, Stifling influences). |
___. Achieving Mental Clarity with the Intuitive Problem Solving Formula. Chapter 7 in: Ibid.: 121-141, 20 pages. |
Putting intuitive problem solving (IPS) to work for you, How to use these variations on the IPS theme to solve problems, Explore and discover these IPS variations, Using IPS in a crisis situation for quick results, You can retrieve imagery in a variety of ways (Using internal brainstorming, Using the metaphor technique). |
___. Practice Makes a Perfect Intuitive Development Program. Chapter 8 in: Ibid.: 145-158, 14 pages. |
Elements of a successful intuitive development program (Time log, Practice site), Implementing your intuitive development program (Practice IPS skills for mastery, Harmonize mental, emotional, and spiritual needs, Play and rejuvenate, Idea book, Journaling, Dreams, Meditation). |
___. Deciphering the Wisdom of Your Dreams. Chapter 9 in: Ibid.: 159-172, 14 page s. |
Relationship between intuition and dreams (Facts and figures about dreams), Language of dreams (Literal (manifest) or symbolic (latent), Unrequested or on request), Six steps for successful dream recall (Seven steps toward understanding dream message, Interpreting the symbol), Dreams that come true are called precognitive. |
___. Access Your Intuitive Mind through Meditation. Chapter 10 in: Ibid.: 173-182, 10 pages. |
What is meditation? How to practice meditation, Meditation exercises (Guided imagery campfire, Guided imagery ocean, IPS helper, Eliciting relaxation imagery), Commit to meditation. If you are uncomfortable with the word "meditation," substitute the words "introspection," "stillness," or "quiet time.". |
___. Applying Intuition to Succeed in the Workplace. Chapter 11 in: Ibid.: 187-207, 21 pages. |
Intuition and logic: a potent mix to excel, Using IPS to resolve work related problems (Requesting a raise, Promotions and upward mobility, Shouldering unexpected responsibility, Learning a new skill), Using IPS to focus on organizational concerns (Getting ideas across, Motivating employees to work as a team), Implementing intuitive strategies in the organization. |
___. Using Intuition to Improve On the Job Relationships. Chapter 12 in: Ibid.: 209-225, 17 pages. |
Difficulties with superiors, Dissatisfaction with support staff (How to heal disagreements, How to understand a coworker), Adjusting to a new environment (Understanding how a new employee feels), Gaining cooperation for greater productivity (Positive attitude), Extending a helping hand to a customer and/or client (How to successfully approach someone), Using IPS for accurate human resource decisions. |
___. Using Intuitive Problem Solving to Market, Advertise, and Sell. Chapter 13 in: Ibid.: 227-236, 10 pages. |
Intuition: a key ingredient for marketing, advertising, and sales (How would you market, advertise, or sell? How to use IPS to create successful sales and advertising campaigns, Selling successfully), Using IPS for innovative solutions. |
___. Using Intuition to Make the Right Career Choices. Chapter 14 in: Ibid.: 237-257, 21 pages. |
To change or not to change jobs: that is the question (Timing, Pros and cons, Crossroads), Company transitions: staying or relocating (Deciding to stay or leave, Making the change), Moving to a new career (Follow your fantasy), Venturing into a new business. |
___. Using Intuition to Create Vibrant Health. Chapter 15 in: Ibid.: 261-266, 6 pages. |
How to use intuition to maintain health (How to alleviate stress, How to improve your physical health, Create a positive reality), Choosing the exercise program that's right for you (Imaging exercise for general well being, How to find the right exercise program). |
___. Using Intuition to Meet Challenges with Family and Friends. Chapter 16 in: Ibid.: 267-282, 16 pages. |
Communicating with family and friends (Building bridges to your family), Love and marriage (The dating game), Using IPS to make winning decisions (Getting married, Communicating with your mate), Finding the best way to communicate with friends, Effectively communicating with children (Heeding the needs of young ones). |
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