Context of the intuitive experience |
Where physically: |
The distribution was: home (2), hotel room (1), car (2), casino (1) and work (3). There does not seem to be a pattern. However I was alone when most of the experiences occurred. |
Where mentally: |
My mental condition was: tired (1), relaxed (3), thinking (4) and wishing (1). With the constant state of awareness I have developed for my immediate environment, my mental state does not seem to directly influence my recognition of intuitive experiences. |
The intuitive experience |
Just before: |
Almost every experiences occurred just after a period of mental activity. It seems as if a lapse occurred that allowed the intuitive thought a chance to come through and be recognized. |
At the moment: |
I was mostly directed into taking an action to prevent a negative result that would occur if I ignored the message. When I was clear about the message content, my reaction was usually calculated, or at least understood the ramifications of inaction. |
Just after: |
I changed a presentation, concentrated on my breathing, noticed a restaurant change, avoided a ticket, ignored a message, helped change a measurement statistic, had one flop, began work on a report and mowed the lawn. All were immediate actions or inactions resulting from the messages. All my choices were based on believing the message content. |
Obstacles to the intuitive experience |
Physical tension: |
In most situations, I was either tense, very tense or became more tense because of the message. Since I am normally an easy going person, tension seems to be my best indicator of potential assistance from an intuitive experience. The more tense I become, the more likely I need to respond immediately. |
Fears felt: |
All of my fears centered around a negative impact on myself. Whether it was bad job performance, poor family focus, losing money or simply trying to avoid negative experiences, I was concerned with an impact on my self image. I guess I am too worried about how others perceive me. |
Desires felt: |
Like the fears, the desires were for good job performance, quality family time, hassle free living and even a cash windfall. These desires all reflected a "me" orientation. |
Mental clutter: |
As my mental state varied from none to very cluttered, the messages did not need a clear mind to be recognized. Maybe it was due to the message strength or its applicability to my mental clutter, but I was usually aware enough to notice intuition even during trying times. |
Source of the intuitive message |
Conscious to Subconscious: 5.3 |
Most my messages were subconscious ranging from a value of 4 to 6. The very nature of intuition makes me lean toward the subconscious since a conscious feeling indicates a more rational process for me. |
Internal to External: 4.3 |
I had three clearly internal, five clearly external and one inbetween source for my messages. With no pattern, I believe I simply maintain an open attitude to receive messages as they occur. |
Rational to Intuitive: 6.1 |
All of my messages were in a range from 5 to 7 with an obvious slant to intuitive sources. I did not write about messages that were too rational so I could analyze experiences that were more intuitive. |
Classification of the intuitive message |
Type: 5,4,0,0,0 |
My messages were split between personal and professional. Since I had the opportunity to select from a constant supply of experiences, I simply chose those that were easiest to writeup. |
Form: 0,2,1,4,2,0,0 |
Since I receive messages on a constant basis, I experience intuition in various forms. There does not seem to be a pattern except that intuition seems to flow in a variety of ways for me. |
Kind: 1,2,2,3,1,0,0 |
The kind of messages was as varied as form. However all messages indicated a need to change my course of action to avoid an unpleasant situation. |
Information in the intuitive message |
Strength: 5.9 |
My experiences were in the range from 4 to 7 with a slant toward the high end of strength. I am usually very busy. Maybe I am only recognizing strong messages. This suggests I may have an opportunity to work on messages that are weaker. |
Clarity: 5.3 |
The range for clarity was from 3 to 7 with most messages indicating the need for a change in action. Since I view clarity as exactness, I rated most messages as average due to the lack of specifics. |
Surprise: 3.7 |
The surprise factor was mostly low with a range from 2 to 7. Since I expect intuition in my life, I am usually not surprised. The one 7 was a timing fluke where my wife felt my need for her to contact me when I was thinking about her. |
Accuracy: 5.3 |
The accuracy range was from 1 to 7. Although the messages were more accurate than average, they were not accurate enough to specifically suggest what my response should be. |
Evaluation of the intuitive experience |
How intentional: |
The distribution was: spontaneous (4), mostly spontaneous (2), somewhat intentional (2) and intentional (1). With the exception of the intentional message, they were mostly unintentional. I have these experiences so often that I simply did not try to evoke intuitions. |
Information use: |
Generally I used information to better understand my environment and how I was interacting with it. The distribution was: changed action (5), better reaction (1), heightened awareness (2) and ignored (1). Usually I changed my course, but sometimes I simply ignored the message. However every time it gave me a better awareness of what was about to happen. |
Benefits derived: |
The general benefit was betterment of my current situation. I usually trusted my messages and acted accordingly. As a result, I gained confidence in working through difficult situations and a better understanding of using intuition. |
Personal learning: |
The personal learning theme centered on the need for awareness to accept intuitive help in life. Since I carefully attend to the environment, this awareness helped me achieve a new level of understanding about my interaction with circumstances. |