My favorite appear first. The other destinations are related to themes of The Intuitive Self web site. After contributing to these worthy causes, visit the other sites for resources and services to nurture your intuitive self.

  • Hunger Site

    When you activate the "Click Free" button, the computer adds your donation to the day's totals. There is no charge for your contribution since it is paid for by the advertisers. While there, consider making free donations for the companion sites identified by the multi-colored tabs across the top of the home page for each charity.

  • Intuition Network

    The Intuition Network is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a world in which people cultivate their full conscious potential. The site links to a variety of professional services and resources that support the practical use of intuition in daily life.

  • Institute of Noetic Sciences

    The Institute of Noetic Sciences is a nonprofit research, education and membership organization. The word "noetic" means mind, intelligence or ways of knowing. Noetic sciences study the mind and its diverse ways of knowing in a truly interdisciplinary fashion.

  • Exceptional Human Experience Network

    The EHE Network studies the personal and transformative meaning at the core of all types of anomalous experiences: mystical, encounter, psychical, healing, death-related, peak, healing, desolation/nadir, and exceptional human performance. They are especially interested in their aftereffects, the most common being a sense of the connectedness of all things.