Personal Style Inventory Learning Kit |
The Personal Style Inventory (PSI) Learning Kit encourages you to achieve greater flexibility and integration in your use of the rational versus intuitive ways of being in the world. As you recognize that a style which is best in one situation may not be best in another, your respect for diversity and responsiveness to change grows. PSI Learning Kit Opportunities The PSI encourages you to move toward an integrated and flexible personality style that prepares for the future, solves problems and approaches work in ways that are most effective for the daily situations in your personal and work life. The PSI Learning Kit includes the Stratey Profile as well as three other types of feedback for use in groups. The additional information helps you and the team members see how your style preferences interact when you are working as a group:
The PSI begins with a 30 question Survey describing typical ways people relate to situations. There are six measuring scales representing three Rational modes: planning, analysis and control, and three Intuitive modes: vision, insight and sharing. The Human Information Processing (HIP) Metaphor diagram illustrates the theme of all six scales. 1. Strategy Profile Based on your answers to the Survey, you receive a Strategy Profile that describes how you deal with personal and professional challenges. In a workshop setting, you can compare your preferences with other members of the group. For a preview of the usefulness of the PSI Learning Kit, take a peek at this sample Strategy Profile. You are shown how to use your profile to discover opportunities for developing a more integrated (full use of all six modes) and flexible (ease of moving from one mode to another) style in expressing the rational and intuitive ways of doing and being in your personal or professional life. 2. Rainbow of Styles The Rainbow of Styles diagram shows how your style compares to other members of your group and to people in general. In a group, you can explore the impact of differences in personality style and examine the ways you and your colleagues deal with specific personal or work situations. For example, in the Central Coast Rainbow notice how individuals in this advertising agency are arrayed around the intuitive center of balance. They may be weak on the rational side of getting things done. You and your group members can use rainbow positions as the basis for a lively discussion of this or similar personal style related issues. 3. Workshop Teams A workshop leader can use your rainbow position to form three types of teams:
As the Central Coast Teams suggest, these groupings encourage integration and flexibility by calling attention to less preferred styles. Working in teams, you can explore ways the people in your group can utilize personal styles to become more effective contributors: 4. Action Plan The Action Plan identifies concrete rational and intuitive steps you can take to become more effective in your approach to work or personal life. The plan encourages you to change specific behaviors to achieve flexibility (moving among the modes) and integration (using all of the modes) in handling situations. Take a look at a plan example (8K PDF). The Action Plan focuses on effectiveness by moderating stronger preferences or enhancing less frequently chosen preferences. Since you are more likely to prefer dominant modes, the plan reduces reliance on those ways of behaving or complements them with an opposite mode. The plan also challenges you to use non-dominant modes or supplement them with a companion mode. Using the PSI Learning Kit The PSI Learning Kit has been used by organizations around the world in a variety of training programs such as team building and problem solving. Training exercises can be used to emphasize the relative contributions of different styles to group outcomes and the importance of freely moving among style orientations to ensure a flexible, integrated approach in today's dynamic global setting. The online PSI is a revision of the original PSI published by Psychological Assessment Resources. Several statistical measures show that the revised scales are a significant improvement over the original edition. For the technically minded, the PSI Item Revision (74K PDF) article summarizes the development of the revised PSI. Would You Like to Learn More? If this introduction stimulates your curiosity, we invite you to first Take the Survey to try out our abbreviated online Strategy Profile. Then to benefit most from this journey of self discovery we encourage you to download the free 16 page PSI Learning Kit which includes the 3 additional tools described above and step by step instructions and detailed explanations for interpreting and using the results.