These are comments written by three different individuals on their personal discoveries with mandorla drawing. Their experiences should help us all find more depth in this work.

First Individual

Drawing the mandorlas was a reinforcement of what I had learned from the mandalas. However, the mandorlas were more of a union or a coming together of the whole experience of exploring The Intuitive Self. Mandorla drawing taught me that there is an overlap or union of the opposites, the rational and the intuitive, that we encounter in our lives. Making this union or resolution possible helps us become better individuals and more rounded business people. Drawing the mandorlas for me was the icing on the cake of my process of rediscovering The Intuitive Self.

Second Individual

Drawing the mandorlas has greatly enhanced my creative skills and will serve me well in the future. I now have a deeper understanding of my potential and feel that I have an advantage over those who have not had this experience. I enjoyed my mandorla experience, and will never forget it. My drawings have gotten better over the months that I've done them. I think the mandorlas are my best works to date because they have more symmetry and richness than my previous mandala drawings.

Even though these mandorlas seem more profound than my previous drawings, they took less time to create. I hope you enjoy them, and I must say that drawing the mandorlas was a pleasure for me. I feel that I will continue to draw them from time to time in the future as a way to relax and reflect on the feelings and emotions of The Intuitive Self. They have provided me with a deeper understanding of who I am.

Third Individual

I was challenged by the mandorla drawings. I found that I was suddenly faced with the task of being creative in ways that I was not accustomed to. As a result, I now feel that my ability to be creative in new ways has been broadened even more. I plan on continuing to draw mandalas and mandorlas. To me they are a good way to check my "duality" for balance.

If I find them too difficult to draw without planning or design, then I may be too rational at the moment. If I find that I am having difficulty keeping the mandorlas within the confines of symmetry and order, then I may be too intuitive at that moment. The key for me is to maintain a balanced state since I have a tendency to be too intuitive.

In other ways the mandorla drawings went further in being a learning tool for me. The concept of the two circles opposing each other, yet both being intercepted and therefore influencing each another, left a strong impression on me. I was automatically driven to draw shapes and colors which were opposite to each other but which had common elements in the overlap. As managers, we work with people. As people, we are all different even extreme opposites. Yet in a business environment we are all connected by our common work objectives.

In managing I need to recognize the oppositions in my work group and either overcome them or successfully bridge them so that the focus becomes the common elements such as our goals, tasks, requirements, etc. As members of an organization of any kind, we are all contributors to the corporate goals. We each have many important intercepting parts to our collective universal set. The mandorlas allowed me to discover that opposites will always exist but that even in opposites there can be balance and harmony as well.

In summing up, I must say, that the drawings were as valuable to me as they were outwardly strange. I was challenged to be creative in completely new ways. Furthermore, I came to understand the application and implication of a balance between the opposites of creativity and free exploration within the confines of symmetry and preset requirements. I also was left with a deepened understanding of The Intuitive Self and ability to be simultaneously intuitive and rational. Some of the mandalas and mandorlas that I drew left me deeply inspired and motivated by these understandings.