A series of periods [.........] indicates a pause.
Sit up in your chair, close your eyes and relax as well as you can. .........
Mentally scan your body and release any tension you find. .........
Practice Breath Awareness until both nostrils are open. .........
Follow the next inhalation up into the center of your mind. .........
Turn your eyes inward looking toward the center of the brain. .........
Picture yourself sitting in the middle of your mind. .........
Watch your body breathe around you. .........
Experience the body like a shell around you. .........
Be aware of the center of the mind and the inner space around it. .........
Notice the inner space where the thoughts, images, feelings and
sensations are. .........
Notice the outer space outside the skin of your body. .........
Find the center of quietness within this inner space. .........
Notice that thoughts, images, feelings and sensations seem to revolve
around this center. .........
But within the center, it is very quiet and still. .........
Enjoy this calm center for a few moments. .........
Watch the thoughts and other activities passing by. .........
You are only the observer, the witness to these activities of your mind. .........
Just observe and enjoy the calmness of this center. .........
Dissolve into this quiet, timeless place of infinite space. .........
When you are distracted, as you will be, bring yourself back to this
calm center. .........
Now gently bring yourself back to this moment in time and slowly
open your eyes. .........
Adapted from Phil Nuernberger, Increasing Executive Productivity (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1992) (Note 7). |