A series of periods [.........] indicates a pause.

Begin sitting in a comfortable stress-free position. .........

Focus on your breath and calm your mind with Breath Awareness. .........

Close your eyes and visualize or picture yourself standing in a room. .........

Let the room be any one you wish, but you should feel comfortable in it. .........

Then picture a stairway off to one side. .........

You approach the stairway and slowly descend the steps down into a lower level. .........

What does this level look like? ........

The room you are in now is different, but just as comfortable. .........

There is a large question mark on the wall, with a sign that says "Question Room." .........

You realize that this is a room where you can gain clarity about any questions that you need to answer about a personal decision, a problem at work, or a relationship. .........

Allow your mind to formulate a very specific question. .........

Don't try to answer the question, just state the question calmly and simply in your mind. .........

Then you see another stairway that goes down to an even lower level. .........

You are very curious about what may be at the bottom of the stairs. .........

So you slowly descend onto a small landing where you find a door in front of you. .........

On the door you see a sign that says "Intuition." .........

You are very curious and try to open the door. .........

But it is locked and you do not have a key. .........

As you turn from the door, someone approaches you with a key. .........

What does that person look like? .........

They give you the key, you thank them, and you open the door. .........

As the door opens, you enter the room. .........

What do you find? .........

What does the room look like? .........

Feeling comfortable and curious, you begin to explore the room. .........

What do you find in the room? .........

How does it feel to be there? .........

You have just a little time to spend in the room, so how do you spend it? .........

Something in the room catches your eye, something that seems very important to you. What is it? .........

Why does it seem so important? .........

Does it relate to the question that you asked? .........

You must leave, so you decide to take something from the room. .........

What do you choose to take with you? .........

As you leave, you don't have to lock the door. .........

You realize that you can return at any time. .........

As you go back up the first flight of steps and into the Question Room, what kind of feelings do you have about the Intuition Room you just left? .........

How does it relate to the question you asked when you first entered this room? .........

Now you climb the second set of stairs, back into your original room. .........

There, you look at what you have brought back with you from the Intuition Room. .........

You recognize the person with the key to the Intuition Room. .........

You recall clearly the question that you formulated in the Question Room. .........

Focus your breath, clear your mind, and open your eyes. .........

Write down the question you formulated, identify the person with the key and describe the object that you brought back on your I Ching Problem Solving sheet.

Adapted from Phil Nuernberger, Increasing Executive Productivity (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1992) (Note 7).