Changes in Digestive Plumbing and Deep Intuitive Insights

A "family" restaurant in the motel served piping hot home cooked oatmeal. So after my fruit in the room, I started the day with a large bowel. It was served with a glass of whole milk to pour over the cereal and an English muffin oozing with butter. I sent the latter back for a "dry" muffin and ignored the milk. AGGGHH! This must be what it's like for a left handed person living in a right handed world.

I'm still in an adjustment phase for the changes going on in my digestive track. The entire plumbing system feels and works differently than before the fast. Being on the road isn't as convenient as if I were at home. But slowly I'm adjusting to the changes. The large quantities of plant food makes a difference going in, through and out. Nothing unpleasant, just changes in habit patterns.

The other day, I mentioned the "full" but not "heavy" feeling physically. There's also a light mental feeling that the mystics down through the ages who practiced fasting for spiritual purposes have reported. I'm not a mystic, but I can verify the sensation. It's like being lightheaded without the accompanying sense of disorientation.

My visit to Washington led me to a major "intuitive insight" about intuitive insight. I mentioned my fascination with the Vietnam Memorial ever since I first heard of the competition award winner. If I remember correctly she was a young art or architecture student from Ohio with an Oriental name. There was a conservative outcry at the time over the "sacrilege" of the proposed design.

After viewing the Wall from a distance for perspective, I walked over in front of the Lincoln Memorial and looked out over the Reflecting Pool toward the Washington Monument. It came to me that I was standing about where Martin Luther King gave his "I have a dream" speech. This too has had a powerful hold on my imagination. I watch it again every time I know it'll be part of some documentary. In both cases there are deep emotional reasons for being drawn to these experiences. As I stood there, I was able to sort through those emotional overlays to tap the deeper meaning.

Here is the insight: These are examples of connections made by the student and Dr. King with their deepest Intuitive Selves. That's why I've really been so fascinated all along. As I stood there, I realized that while our physical evolution flows through our genes, the advance of human consciousness flows from our intuitive core. I believe both in turn are associated with the morphogenetic fields of Rupert Sheldrake's Hypothesis of Formative Causation. He's a principal speaker at the IONS conference. I'm looking forward to hearing him more than ever.

Returning to the car, I walked along the Wall at close hand. A truly extraordinary emotional experience from both perspectives. There's a reverence that fills the air. It's like sitting quietly in a great temple or cathedral. This returned me to the emotional dimension. However I've learned that the "emotional" must be set aside to connect with the deeper intuitive - otherwise an insight will be contaminated by fears and desires. Business managers and executives need to do the same to ensure the integrity of their insights. Errors in our intuitive knowing are caused by fears and desires!

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