Picnics, Salad Bars and Social Outcasts

It's been easy to keep the diet at my brother's. Even though they aren't following a Fuhrman type diet, as vegetarians they have the right kinds of fixings around the house. We went to Wegmans yesterday to shop. Gobs and gobs of a large variety of fresh vegetables. Even more than I think Norman Brothers has in Miami.

Another challenge looms on the immediate horizon. My brother is the organizer, coordinator and facilitator for a New York State Veterans Affairs regional workshop today at one of the local parks. They end their day with a picnic at which we'll join them.

My first thought was that I'll eat baked beans and potato salad that which are part of any picnic. On second thought, they probably hide some things that Fuhrman would not like such as fat in the potato salad and salt in the beans. So even other peoples vegetable dishes will probably be off limits. I'll makeup a large salad to take to the picnic.

I begin to wonder if someone following this program won't eventually become a hermit and outcast. It begins to sound strangely like the breeding ground for a una-bomber social recluse. I don't want to give up lunch with my "buddies." But where can we go other than Wendys. I'm not sure I want to subject you guys to that a couple of times a week.

Who has a good salad bar and a varied menu where each us can find something to suit our tastes and still be convenient to the University? The vegetarian cafeteria comes to mind, but you have had mixed experiences there. Even if there was a Shoneys near by, their menu other than the soup and salad bar is pretty abysmal. A friend and I used to eat there on our way back from the Tower. I had the bar and he had deep fried fish and onion rings which I never successfully resisted taking a taste or two of!

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