Go Light with Small Bites and Last Suppers

The Saturday evening dinner party was successful for my diet. The host had poached a large salmon and gotten a multi flavored chocolate cake from the best local bakery. She separately sauted vegetables without seasoning or fat for me. This along with the salad I brought was great.

To give myself a break for doing so well, I had a small bite of salmon (absolutely delicious), a very thin slice of the cake (truly melted in the mouth) and a thimble full of wine for the toast to the fiftieth birthday guest. That was enough to satisfy my wanting to have some of each.

This may be the solution for eating at someone else's house. Just take small portions which aren't enough to really sabotage the diet. I thought the bite might lead to the desire for larger portions. This didn't happen. I was in fact quite satisfied eating my salad - I'm begin to really enjoy them. If I work long enough at changing a habit, it seems to gradually come around.

I had my "last meal" yesterday evening at the local Wendys: the salad bar with a plain baked potato. This went down well. I'm discovering that each salad vegetable has a flavor all its own which I've not noticed before because of Annie's Goddess dressing. One of claimed fast benefits is a significantly enhanced sense of taste. Given the improvement I'll already noticed, that should really encourage sticking to the plan.

So far today I've not felt hungry. It's been more thirst than hunger. That's good because we're supposed to drink lots of water - distilled spring water that he provides. (Just took a break to pee and get some water!) I've thought about food, but it seems to be more related to the time of day - that is around breakfast time and again around lunch time.

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