Professional Publications | ||||||||||||||||||||||
This list includes published articles, papers and reviews along with major presentations. Selected publications listed in the table are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. These readings trace the twenty year evolution of the research that led up to The Intuitive Self web site. With their links to the site, the PDF publications provide a detailed introduction to the philosophy and content of our offering. Please Note: In order to view and print Acrobat PDF files, you must have the freely distributed Adobe Reader installed on your computer.
Academic Publications "Are You Hiding from Your Boss?" Journal of Management 29, 4 (September, 2003): 487-510 (with Sherry Moss and Enzo Valenzi). The Tao of Managing. Self published (October, 2000) (with Dan Robey). Management Wisdom in the New Millennium. Self published (June, 2000) (with Anisya Thomas). Personal Style Inventory Item Revision: Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Self published (April, 2000) (with Enzo Valenzi). "Discovering and Understanding Intuition" Exceptional Human Experience 15, 2 (December, 1997): 174-188. "Using an Intuition Journal: Dimensions of Intuitive Experience" Exceptional Human Experience (EHE) News 4, 1 (March, 1997): 1-4. "Rational and Intuitive Styles: Commensurability Across Respondents' Characteristics." Psychological Reports 80 (1997): 23-33 (with Enzo Valenzi, Lori Zalka, and Kevin Lowe). "A New Teleological Strategy for Using Self-Assessment Tools in Information Systems Use and Development." Journal of Information Science and Technology 4, 1 (October, 1994): 42-60 (with Pentti Kerola). "Validity Evidence for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as a Measure of Hemisphere Dominance: Another View." Educational and Psychological Measurement 51, 3 (Autumn, 1991): 775-783 (with K. Galen Kroeck and Marcel Escoffier). "Assessing Rational and Intuitive Styles: A Human Information Processing Metaphor." Journal of Management Studies 27, 2 (March, 1990): 149-172 (with Enzo Valenzi). "Comments on An Agenda for Research on Intuitive Decision Making" by Weston Agor. New Directions in Public Administration Research 2, 2 (January, 1990): 15-21. "A Human Information Processing Model of the Managerial Mind: Some MIS Implications." Chapter 15 in Human Factors in Management Information Systems, pp. 253-268. Edited by J. M. Carey. Norwood, NJ: ABLEX Publishing Corporation, 1988. "Minds and Managers: On the Dual Nature of Human Information Processing and Management." Reprinted in Readings in Management, pp. 38-48. Edited by P. B. DuBose. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1988 (with Daniel Robey). "Basic Concepts Concerning Information Systems and Data Administration." Chapter 5 in Handbook of Information Resource Management, pp. 177-203. Edited by J. Rabin and E. M. Jackowski. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1988 (with Valdur Silbey). Information Systems: People and Computers in Organizations. 2nd Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1986 (with Valdur Silbey). "Managerial Decision Styles and Cerebral Dominance: An Empirical Study." Journal of Management Studies 22, 2 (1985): 175-192 (with Galen Kroeck and Daniel Robey). "Issues in Cognitive Style Measurement: A Response to Schweiger." Academy of Management Review 8,1 (January, 1983): 152-155 (with Daniel Robey). "Human Information Processing Styles in the Information Systems Development Process." In John Hagwood, ed., Evolutionary Information Systems. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1983: 63-86 (with Pentti Kerola). "Decision Styles Education: An Innovative Approach." Exchange 7, 2 (1982): 17-24 (with Daniel Robey and Barbara Taggart). "Human Information Processing in Information and Decision Support Systems." MIS Quarterly 6, 2 (June, 1982): 61-73 (with Daniel Robey). "The Other Half of the Systems Development Process: Are We Half-Brained Systems Professionals?" Computer Personnel 9, 1 (January, 1982): 17-22. "Measuring Managers' Minds: The Assessment of Styles in Human Information Processing." Academy of Management Review 6, 3 (July, 1981): 375-383 (with Daniel Robey). "Minds and Managers: On the Dual Nature of Human Information Processing and Management." Academy of Management Review 6, 2 (April, 1981): 187-195 (with Daniel Robey). Information Systems: An Introduction to Computers in Organizations. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1980. "A 'Balanced' Orientation for the Information Systems Manager." MIS Quarterly 3, 2 (June, 1979): 21-33 (with Valdur Silbey). "A Survey of Information Requirements Analysis Techniques" Reprinted in Selected Computer Articles-78, pp. 199-216. Edited by Joseph J. Polito, Jr. Washington: Department of Defense Computer Institute, 1978. "A Survey of Information Requirements Analysis Techniques." Computing Surveys 9, 4 (December, 1977): 273-290 (with Marvin Tharp). "Management Information Analysis: A Situational Perspective." Management Datamatics 5, 6 (1976): 231-239 (with Marvin Tharp). "Information Systems for Organizational Communication: A Records Management/Data Processing Perspective." Records Management Quarterly 9, 4 (October, 1975): 11-14, 42. "Dimensions of Information Requirements Analysis." Data Base 7, 1 (Summer, 1975): 5-13 (with Marvin Tharp). "A System for Information Documentation and Control." Journal of the Association for Educational Data Systems 8, 1 (Fall, 1974): 1-9 (with Dennis Klinger). "Developing an Organization's Information Inventory." Management Informatics 3, 6 (1974): 283-292. "A Syntactical Approach to Management Information Requirements Analysis." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1972. Special Publications Personal Style Inventory: Gateway to Personal Flexibility. Self published (July, 2000). Discovering and Nurturing The Intuitive Self: An Experiential Workbook. Self published (November, 2000). Personal Style Inventory: Trainer's Manual. Odessa, Florida: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 1993 (with Barbara Taggart-Hausladen). Personal Style Inventory: Survey, Strategy Profile, Personal Development Program, and PDP Examples. Odessa, Florida: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 1993 (with Barbara Taggart-Hausladen). "Human Information Processing Survey." Reprinted in Omni supplement titled "The Whole Universe Catalog" as "The Right and Left of Thinking." (April, 1988): 19-23. Instructor's Manual to accompany Information Systems: People and Computers in Organizations. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1986 (with Jack Gilman and Valdur Silbey). "Human Information Processing Survey." A coordinated package including an Administrator's Manual, Strategy Profile, and Tactics Profile. Bensenville, Illinois: Scholastic Testing Service, 1984 (with Paul Torrance and Barbara Taggart). The Tao of Managing. Unpublished, 1984 (with Daniel Robey). Viewer's Guide to accompany "Opening Doors to Creative Expression" videotape. Miami: Department of Management, Florida International University, 1982. Instructor's Manual to accompany Information Systems: An Introduction to Computers in Organizations. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1980. Published Proceedings "Assessing Management Style: A Cross Cultural Study." Proceedings of the Southern Management Association, New Orleans (November, 1992): 386-387 (with Marcel Escoffier and Davinder Arora). "General User Attitudes Toward Computers: A Semantic Differential Perspective." Proceedings of the 12th Annual Southeast AIDS Meeting, Memphis (February, 1982): 168-170 Received the Outstanding Pa per Award for the MIS Program Track (with Valdur Silbey). "Human Information Processing Styles and the Information Systems Architect in the PSC Systemeering Model." Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Computer Personnel Research Conference (June, 1980): 63-78 and Report of the Third Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering Models (August, 1980): 95-125 (with Pentti Kerola). "Structured Programming with Application to BASIC." Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference of the Southwest Region AIDS (March, 1979): 233-238 (with Frederick Newpeck). "A Framework for Information Requirements Analysis." Proceedings of the XIII Yugoslav International Symposium on Information Processing (October, 1978): Section 0-101, 1-5. "An Information Documentation Language: A Framework for Deriving Information from Data." Proceedings of the Second National Symposium on the Management of Data Elements in Information Processing (1975): 195-210. "Data Naming Conventions: Keystone to Information Standardization." Proceedings of the 20th Annual College and University Machine Records Conference (1975): 145-158 (with Dennis Klinger). Audiovisual Productions "The Intuitive Factor: Genius or Chance." One hour video by Zoie Films produced by Victoria Weston and distributed by The Cinema Guild, 1997 (One of four experts interviewed for film). "Creative Problem Solving: The Whole-Brain Approach." 20 minute audiotape to accompany the videotape for individual student instruction, May, 1982 (with Barbara Taggart). "Opening Doors to Creative Expression: Productivity Through Personal Growth." 30 minute videotape produced in conjunction with FIU Media Services and distributed by The Hartley Film Foundation, 1982 (with Barbara Taggart). "Punography." Slide/tape program to supplement classroom presentation of the dual picture-word mode of communication (April, 1982, permission arranged through Penguin Books). "The Blindmen and the Elephant." Slide/tape program to supplement classroom presentation of systems concepts (November, 1981, permission arranged through McGraw-Hill). "Biocomputer Visualization." Audiotape guided imagery exploration of the human nervous system (August, 1981, with Barbara Taggart, permission arranged through Angel Records). "No Hidden Meanings." Dual slide/tape program to supplement classroom presentation of basic value orientations (January, 1981, permission arranged through Science and Behavior Books). Published Reviews Sternberg, Robert J. and Lasaga, Maria I. "Approaches to Human Reasoning: An Analytic Framework." Artificial and Human Intelligence. A. Elithorn and R. Banerji, eds. New York: Elsevier North-Holland, Inc., 1984: 213 227 in Computing Reviews 26, 8 (August, 1985): 459. Wright, P. and Lickorish, A. "Proof-reading Texts on Screens and Paper." Behavior and Information Technology 2, 3 (1983): 227-235 in Computing Review s 25, 5 (May, 1984): 249. Bender, Paul S. "Measuring the Value of Automated Decision Support Systems." The Economics of Information Processing, Volume 1. R. Goldberg and H. Lorin, eds. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982: 19 6-207 in Computing Reviews 23, 5 (May, 1982): 267-268. McLeod, Raymond. Management Information Systems. Chicago: Science Research Associates, 1979 in Computing Reviews 22, 2 (February, 1981): 50. Davies, G.W.P. and Lustac, S. "The Use of On-Line Searching of External Data in Decision Making." Journal of Information Science 1 (1979): 145-151 in Computing Reviews 21, 7 (July, 1980): 304. McCosh, Andrew and Scott Morton, Michael. Management Decision Support Systems. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1978 in Computing Reviews 20, 2 (February, 1979): 41-42. Major Presentations "Rediscovering Your Intuitive Self." World Conference of the Intuition Network, Berkeley, California (August, 1997). "Discovering and Nurturing Your Intuitive Self." An Intuition Network Conference, Denver (November, 1995). "Management Intuition: Pitfalls and Possibilities." College of Business Ph.D. Research Seminar, Florida International University, Miami, Florida (December, 1994). "Harmonizing Our Rational and Intuitive Styles." An Intuition Network Conference, San Diego (November, 1994). "Assessing Management Style: A Cross Cultural Study" Southern Management Association, New Orleans (November, 1992 with Marcel Escoffier and Davinder Arora) "A Human Information Processing Model of the Managerial Mind: Some MIS Implications." Symposium on Human Factors in Management Information Systems, College Station, Texas (October, 1986). "The Best of Decision Styles: An Audio/Visual Odyssey." Whole Brain Symposium, Key West (October, 1984 with Daniel Robey and Barbara Taggart). "A Multi-Mode Model of Processing Style in Humans." Development, Learning & Organizational Change Conference, Bradford, England (September, 1984). "The Penta-Brain: A Neurological Model of Decision Making." Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Dallas (August, 1983 with Daniel Robey). "Measuring Decision Styles: An Empirical Assessment." TIMS/ORSA National Meeting, Detroit (April, 1982 with Daniel Robey and Una Newman). "Brain Theory and its Relationship to Human Perceptions of the Environment." Florida Environment: Creating a State Where All Things Belong, Lee County Public School System, Fort Myers (April, 1982 with Barbara Taggart). "Whole-Brain Bridge Between Science and Theology." The Theology of Outer Space, The American Lutheran Church, Melbourne (April, 1982 with Barbara Taggart). "Decision Styles and Managerial Effectiveness." AIDS National Meeting, Instructional Award Workshop, Boston (November, 1981 with Daniel Robey). "Information Systems for Management." Three Day Professional Development Seminar, University of the Netherland Antilles, Curacao (September, 1981 and March, 1982). "Opening Doors to Creativity." Management Workshop Weekend, FIU Department of Conferences, Miami (August, 1981 with Barbara Taggart). "Individual Modes of Creative Expression." IBM Horizons Workshop, Lake Wales (May, 1981) and Wayzata (July, 1981 with Barbara Taggart). "Human Information Processing: Implications for Management Information Systems." Joint ORSA/TIMS Meeting, Colorado Springs (November, 1980 with Daniel Robey). "Decision Styles and Personal Effectiveness." American Institute for Decision Sciences, Outstanding instruction award finalist presentation, Las Vegas (November, 1980 with Daniel Robey and Barbara Taggart). "Human Information Processing." American Institute for Decision Sciences Outstanding instruction award finalist presentation, New Orleans (November, 1979). "Defining Management Information Requirements." XIII Yugoslav International Symposium on Information Processing. One-half day invited seminar, Bled (October, 1978). Case Studies "Interstate Airlines Aircraft Component Records System." ICH 9-376-659. Boston: Intercollegiate Case Clearing House, 1975 (with Silas Miller, translated into Portuguese for use in Brazil). "Coastal Airlines Dining Services Quality Assurance (DSQA) Program." ICH 9-375-786. Boston: Intercollegiate Case Clearing House, 1974 (with Richard Pasley). "East Cleveland Community Human Services Center." ICH 9-174-637. Boston: Intercollegiate Case Clearing House, 1974 (with Paul Stephan). "Aurora Synthetics Company." ICH 9-172-647. Boston: Intercollegiate Case Clearing House, 1972. "The Polyplastic Corporation (A)." ICH 9-171-647. Boston: Intercollegiate Case Clearing House, 1971. "The Polyplastic Corporation (B).&quo t; ICH 9-171-648. Boston: Intercollegiate Case Clearing House, 1971. Applied Publications "MIS Management Philosophy." Project report for Ryder Truck Rental, 1988 (with Dennis Klinger). "A Report on a Study for the Broward County Air and Water Pollution Control Board." Consulting report for the Control Board, 1973 (with Efraim Turban). "Management Systems Proposal for Short-Term Sales Forecasting." Consulting report for the Avisun Corporation, 1968. "Computer Operations Simulation." Project report for Standard Oil (Indiana), 1967. "A Program Planning Study." Project report for Amoco Chemicals, 1966. "A Corporate Linear Programming Model." Project Proposal for McDonnell Automation Center, 1964. Working Papers "Accessing Intuition: A Research Bibliography." 2nd Edition. Miami, Florida: Department of Management, College of Business, Florida International University, 1994 (900+ annotated entries). "Accessing Intuition: Preliminary Research Bibliography." 1st Edition. Miami, Florida: Department of Management, College of Business, Florida International University, 1993 (600+ annotated entries). "Decision Styles Education in the Decision Sciences." Discussion Paper #13, Florida International University, School of Business and Organizational Sciences, Management Planning and Development Center, 1982 (with Daniel Robey and Barbara Taggart). "A Survey of Information Requirements Analysis Techniques." Working Paper 76-1, Florida International University, School of Business and Organizational Sciences, 1976 (with Marvin Tharp). "The PICS Program: A Master Plan for an Adaptive Municipal Control System." Working Paper 105, Case Western Reserve University, School of Management, 1973 (with Allen Barth and Miles Kennedy). |