Specific Salad Ingredients and Pervasive Sugar Snacks

Shoneys salad bar doesn't have the starches Fuhrman recommends. Maybe I'll try the mall food courts for something like One Potato, Two Potato. That's the one item that's significantly missing from my on the road diet. Also only the first Shoneys I tried had the Romaine lettuce and Kale. The others so far only have iceberg lettuce.

Fuhrman is very specific about the ingredients for the salad. Typically the salad bars don't have jicama, celery and red peppers. I'll check with him to see how important he believes the mix is. I wonder if certain items are necessary because they are the source of a particular nutrient? I also checked the Wendys salad bar yesterday. In general they don't have as much variety as Shoneys.

I spent the night in Beckley WV. There was a fantastic looking smorgasborg advertised in the lobby of the motel. I thought well here's my chance to get caught up on the starches and add the missing items to the salad. Well when I arrived at a little past 8:00 PM, they were already closed for the night. They were in town away from the turnpike so I backtracked to the tourist places at the turnpike exit. By the way, the West Virginia turnpike tolls aren't nearly as high as those for the Florida turnpike.

When I was gassing up yesterday, a family was coming out of the station food mart loaded down with a variety of soft drinks, chips, cookies and candy. Wow how I would have liked to grab some Fig Newtons or maybe even a package of Oreos! At one and the same time I envied them and thought how sad they're eating all that junk especially the kids. These experiences seem to show how the contents of awareness depend on current life issues. To a person about to undertake a fast, everything seems to be interpreted in terms of food.

Speaking of sugary things like Oreos, it's been five days since I've had anything with processed sugar. Yesterday on the road I didn't have my usual drowsy, yawning spells during the mid afternoon drive. I wonder if the cycle of highs and lows in my alertness are smoothing out? I'll see how it goes today - probably another 8 or 9 hours to Rochester.

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