Taking the time to smell the flowers

I am taking time for me. My intensity has shut out consideration for my needs relative to those that I perceive as duties and responsibilities to my work, family, or others.

Taking things one day at a time

My habit is to plan too much, too far ahead of time, in too much detail. Some things that are planned so far in advance can be handled more effectively in the shorter term. Time and energy are wasted by working in so much detail, so far in advance.

Experiencing the need for balance at the gut level

I am balancing my needs with those of others at the level where I will feel it as well as think it. I had intended to do this for some time but had not successfully changed the way I actually did things. This balancing is being incorporated in the way that I behave.

Knowing when to back off from my intensity

In the family business, I learned to work around the clock seven days a week to get the orders done so they could be delivered when promised. This lifelong pattern has continued to the present day with little letup.

Liberating my vision from the fabric of another's down

I have chosen in the past to honor my bliss in terms of we and us. This made my well being subject to the behavior of others. My vision bliss is being built around me with any other participation an added bonus.

Clarifying my values

In the past, I prided myself on holding to values of honesty, fairness, commitment, family, etc. Now these have been shaken up. I am learning what my real values are now. I am coming to a new understanding of what my values are and what they mean to me.

Letting go gracefully

In order to reduce the pull and drag of attachments, I am learning how to surrender those things that I seem to need and desire. To the extent that I let these things go, to that extent my well being does not depend on what or how those things are doing.

Learning to live on my own

I am learning to take care of my daily living routine. I am becoming as self sufficient as possible given my skills and financial situation.

Transitioning to the forest dweller phase

Now that son and daughter are on their own (more or less) and my wife has moved on to another relationship, I no longer have the family obligations of the householder. Now I'm working in the forest dweller phase of life.

Identifying my bliss

Now that HIP Systems has become a tax shelter for the home office, I am turning my attention to whatever gives me the most personal satisfaction. The new direction focuses on classroom teaching as my primary expression with occasional workshops as a secondary interest. I impact the lives of people each year.

Clarifying my roles

As my new direction takes shape, I am clarifying my roles relative to family, work and community. This means that I am getting a better idea of what being a professor, father, neighbor, citizen, etc. play in my life.

Holding to my ideal weight

My body seems to settle around 140 pounds as the weight that feels most comfortable. My actual weight oscillates around this value depending on my diet and exercise program. I am settling into a pattern that comfortably maintains this weight.

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